
Stanstead Half-Moon and Punchbowl

Stanstead Half-Moon and Punchbowl


Closed: before 1840

Nether St

Auction of a Freehold Messuage in Nether-Street in Stanstead, Suffolk, which is lett into three separate Tenements, the whole at the Yearly Rent of £4 8s. it was formerly a Publick-House, and known by the Sign of the Half-Moon and Punchbowl, and it is well adapted for the said Business again, there being 14 Rooms in the said Premises, with proper Outhouses and Garden...Enquire of Mr. Fenner at the White Hart at Stanstead, aforesaid.Ipswich Journal, August 15th 1767***

Could Nether Street be an older name for Lower Street?


NOTE: A messuage equates to a dwelling-house and may include outbuildings, orchard, curtilage or court-yard and garden - this may have been an earlier structure to the current property.

(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)