

One of the county's most northerly parishes (and home to our most northerly pub), Lound was recorded in Domesday as "Lunda". The focal centre is the Mardle [1], a large duck pond, good views of which can be had from inside the pub! A tower mill, built in 1837, has been converted into residential use. Another mill nearby has gone without trace. Traces of what are said to have been prehistoric or Roman-era Lake Dwellings have been found in the area.

A Starfish and QL type bombing decoy was operated in the east of the parish (at TM 525 991) to deflect enemy bombing from the naval base at Great Yarmouth.

[1] Mardle is a Suffolk dialect word for a conversation. Because cattle and other beasts would stop at a pond to drink when being driven, the drovers would stop and chat. So a mardle also came to mean a pond.




The 1888 Kelly's Directory also lists a beer retailer called James Seeley (& shopkeeper).

The 1891 Census also lists Eliza Seeley (Table Beer Retailer, Street, pub not named, Head/Widow/71y/born Toft Moks, Norfolk) [General shopkeeper in 1881]

The 1891-92 White's Directory also lists 2 beer retailers called Amos Brooks & Mrs Eliza Seeley.

The 1900 Kelly's Directory also lists a beer retailer called Jonas Seeley.

The 1912 Kelly's Directory also lists 2 beer retailers called Arthur Burgess and George Majoram.

The 1916 Kelly's Directory also lists Arthur Burgess (Beer retailer, pub not named) [1911 C…


Some historical information from English Heritage's National Monuments Record.