

A scattered settlement that opens out at the southern end into a picturesque green, recorded in Domesday as "Regraua". Redgrave and Lopham fens are situated at the source of the Waveney and Little Ouse rivers and are nationally important lowland wetlands that support a wealth of fauna and flora. Its rarest inhabitant, the Great Raft spider, is seldom seen. As the water table has dropped in recent years new initiatives have been instigated to restore the wetlands to their former glory. Thomas Wolsey (later Cardinal) is said to have been the local rector in 1506.

A tower mill used to stand to the north-west of The Street, but it was wrecked by fire in 1923 and subsequently demolished.

Signs of Iron Age occupation, including hut circles, hearths and a trackway were found in 1955 in the area of Wash Lane. Another possible Bronze or Iron Age habitation has been found near Bier Lane. Traces of another prehistoric settlement were found during pipe-laying operations along Half Moon Lane in 1955. Yet another (undated) ancient occupation site has been postulated near Southern Lane.

The war memorial is shared with Botesdale and the Rickinghalls, and stands on the Botesdale market place.




A reference appears in the Ipswich Journal, 24 April 1779***, to Roger and Mary Land, Innkeepers of Redgrave (pub not named)

The 1851 Census also lists William Hubbard (Innkeeper, Street, pub not named, Head/Married/34y/born Rougham)

The 1851 Census also lists John Hemming (Innkeeper, Street, pub not named, Head/Married/40y/born Cambridgeshire)

The 1874 White's Directory lists John Palfrey as a corn & coal merchant & wine & spirit merchant & agent for Burton Ales.

The 1891-92 White's Directory also lists James Dixon as a beer house keeper.

The 1901 Census also lists Frederick Iann (…


Some historical information from English Heritage's National Monuments Record.