

Centrally located in the county, "Stow" was traditionally a principal meeting place. Modernisation of the town in recent times has seen many new buildings and major changes to the street-plan. A significant part of central and eastern Stowmarket was historically in Stowupland until a boundary change in 1934. This means that a number of Stowmarket listed pubs have previously been listed in Stowupland. Also to the south of the town is the large, mainly residential area of Combs Ford.

The town retains a Saturday market and a main-line railway station which was designed by Frederick Barnes in an Elizabethan style. Matthew Hopkins was a less welcome visitor to the town in 1646 when, in his guise as "Witchfinder General", he levied £23-0s-6d to rid the town of witches. The river Gipping was made navigable to Ipswich in 1793 (15 locks in 15 miles) and locally the town thrived as a centre for malting. In August 1871 the town rocked to an explosion at the New Explosives Co when 28 employees were killed and the resultant smoke could be seen for miles. …


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A report in the Ipswich Journal*** on 29 Dec 1764 states : Thomas Baker of Stowmarket, Innholder, (not named) was charged with buying and receiving stolen property (33 Ducks).

The 1844 White's Directory also lists the following beerhouses run by:

Wm. Colson (Stowupland St)

Jas. Earthy Godbold (Stowupland St) [Porter's Lodge?]

Wm. Turner (Bury St)

1851 Census William Last (Innkeeper, Stowupland St., pub not named, Head/Married/33/born Burgh)

The 1855 White's Directory also lists the following beerhouses run by:

Wm. Abbott (Violet Hill) beer house next to brewery?

Philip Barnard (Gipping St)
