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The upper part of the village is located close to the Melton to Wickham Market road now used as a link road to the A12 by-pass.
The most populous area of the village is at Lower Ufford, in the Valley of the River Deben, where three fords and a bridge cross the river.
Saxon burials with weapons and ornaments were found at Ufford Place in 1819. The Almshouses were built in 1690 for the Bishop of Lichfield.
St Mary's church contains a number of interesting items in particular a large ornate font cover, a multi-storeyed tapering octagonal construction with flying buttresses and terminating with a pelican. This and other items were saved from destruction by the "idol smasher", William Dowsing, when the church wardens refused him entry. An act which obviously met with divine approval since it is reported that the vicar subsequently lived to 111 years of age.
The original blood-line for Suffolk Punch horses was originally developed in Ufford; a fact remembered by a picture of one on the village sign.
Saxon burials with weapons and ornaments were found at Ufford Place in 1819. The Almshouses (in Lower Ufford) were built in 1690 for the Bishop of Lichfield.…
Some historical information from English Heritage's National Monuments Record.