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Earl Stonham
Earl Stonham is a scattered settlement based around three ancient greens. The village is also sometimes known as Stonham Earl. It appears on John Speed's 1610 map as "Erleſtonham". The church has some medieval wall paintings and a unique hourglass.
The Shepherd & Dog is located in a small hamlet called Forward Green, as was the Cricketers.
Ichiban, based at Church Farm, is the largest sushi producer in Europe.
A Romano-British settlement has been unearthed in fields between Forward Green and Stonham Parva.
Derelict 19th century malthouses near the former Stonham Parva Brewer's Arms show that malting must have been a sizeable business here in the past.
The 1855 White's Directory lists Lemon Doe as a beer house keeper (also listed as a baker).
The 1865 Kelly's Directory lists Chas. Gooderham (Ipswich Road) as a beer retailer.
The 1881 Census lists Henry Elvis (Grocer & Draper, Beerseller, Grocers Shop, pub not named, Head/Married/49/born Woodbridge).
The 1888 Kelly's Directory lists 3 beer retailers called:
Daniel Bantock (Ipswich Road).
Charles Denny (also listed as a grocer).
Edgar Mount (Forward Green).
The 1891 Census lists Daniel Bantick (Innkeeper, pub not named, Head/Married/35/born Stonham Parva) (wife is Ellen Bantick).…
Some historical information from English Heritage's National Monuments Record.