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Worlingworth Swan
Worlingworth Swan
South East, 52.2674,1.25816
Closed: 21st century
Swan Rd, IP13 7HZ
grid reference TM 224 682
The pub is shown on this old OS map from about the end of the 19th century. interactive map
This characterful thatched pub has two main drinking rooms & various outside seating areas. Unusually the pub does not face the road junction but instead overlooks a small access road & a large garden. Parts of the pub date from the mid-16th century, possibly earlier.
The Swan re-opened 10 Sep 2022 after seven years derelict. It has been renovated by the new owners and looks to have a bright future.
In September 2023, the pub suffered a serious fire which required it to close. We don't currently know if it has reopened yet.
The Swan (along with its beer garden) has been designated as an Asset of Community Value.
Early in 2023 a new village shop was opened on-site.
Historical interest
Owner/operator: Pubmaster
Attractive thatched pub, which is at last offering some much needed cask ale. Very much a pub and still rather spartan; it may be sold off as a freehouse in the near future. camp site next to the pub.
Beers: Tolly Mild, Old Strong; Whitbread Flowers IPACAMRA's 1997 Suffolk Real Ale Guide
To be sold at the Swan in Worlingworth on Tue next … a large quantity of stock…. By their humble servant Oliver Crouch. Ipswich Journal, 20 Sep 1783
On the 15th April 1805 will be open a new and complete peal of six bells, cast by Mr Mears of London and hung by Mr Simmons, his bell hanger…
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(some old PO directory information courtesy of
(1861 census information from Malcolm Fairley)
(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)
Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.