Ipswich Bull

Ipswich Bull

also traded as Bull's Head

South, 52.05303,1.15877

closed 30th September 1961

last owner/operator: Cobbold's

35 Key St

grid reference TM 166 441

The Bull is shown on this OS town plan from about 1880 (larger map).

old OS map

This old pub is now a mix of retail and residential use.

The timber frame of the building dates from the 16th century, though the brick fronting is from the 19th. It was one of Ipswich's most ancient inns; one of only 24 listed in a town assessment of 1689.

A Zeppelin destroyed part of the roof on 31st March 1916 and demolished an adjoining cottage, killing one man.

These premises were listed in the 1844 White's Suffolk Trades Directory with carriers operating from the inn to Debenham, Gislingham, Halesworth & Stradbroke. Carriers continued to operate from here until the 1920s.

It's also listed at Common Quay, John Street and Quay.

An announcement of the death on the 4th August 1810, aged 43, Mr Laws, of the Bull Inn, on the Common Quay, Ipswich.Ipswich Journal, August 1810***
Died, on 17.06.1856: Mrs Susanah HITCHCOCK, aged 76, many years landlady of the Coffee House Inn, Sudbury, & mother of Mrs SPURGIN of the Bull Inn, Ipswich.Ipswich Journal, June 25th 1856**





Historical interest

Historical interest




(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

Closure date from Ipswich licensing records.

(information from Dudley Diaper)

(detailed information from Old inns of Suffolk by Leonard P Thompson)

(some old PO directory information courtesy of londonpublichouse.com)

(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)

(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)

Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.