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Cockfield Punch Bowl
Cockfield Punch Bowl
also traded as Crown & Punchbowl
North West, 52.1683,0.80663
Closed: between 1922 and 1974
Felsham Rd
grid reference TL 920 559
It's shown on this old OS map from about the end of the 19th century. interactive map
The pub is shown as the Crown & Punchbowl on OS maps up to 1891; by the 1904 sheet it was just the Punch Bowl. It's gone by the 1974 sheet, so presumably must have closed between 1922 (the last directory entry we've seen) and that year.
The pub is listed at Great Green in the 1881 census and in the 1891-92 Whites Directory.
Historical interest
A reference appears in the Ipswich Journal, on 4 Sep 1779*** to the Bowl in Cockfield
An inquest was held at the Punch Bowl Inn, Cockfield, on the body of Isaac Cook, a pensioner, formerly a private in the Royal Marines, who was found dead in a ditch. The landlord of the Punch Bowl, Robert Scott, told the court that Cook had been staying at his but finally left at 9.30pm having drunk several pints during that day. In Scott’s opinion Cook was not drunk when he left his Inn. It was thought that the deceased had fallen into the ditch and drowned in the four of five inches of water, the jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death, Cook was 73. Ipswich Journal, May 1875**
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)
Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.