Ipswich Borough Tavern

Ipswich Borough Tavern

also traded as Old Borough Tavern, Borough Arms


closed 1924

last owner/operator: cobbold

48 Borough Rd

grid reference TM 169 442

The 1909 Rates book has an entry added (date unknown, but presumably after the pub closed in 1924), "Now forms part of Transport House". This suggests it stood on the north-west corner of the junction, where the trades union building now stands. Old maps show a substantial building running round from Waterworks Street into Borough Road - this may have been the pub. (The present building is too new).

Borough Road was the part of what's now Grimwade Street that ran from Rope Walk to Waterworks Street (now Star Lane.)

Before 1850 the pub may be listed at 50 Borough Road. It's also been seen listed in Waterworks Street.



Historical interest

Historical interest




(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)