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Ipswich Malsters Arms
Ipswich Malsters Arms
Closed: about 1901
18 Key St
grid reference TM 166 440 (approximate location)
Street numbering and the census location suggest that this is probably this Unidentified pub. The closure dates also match. The Maltsters Arms has also been listed in Quay Street and Stoke Street.
5 lodgers were listed in 1871.
Long courtyard flanked by fluted pillars with ornamental caps, and a delightful garden leading down to the water.
Historical interest
Walter Fountain, a labourer of Pottery Street, was found guilty of being drunk in the Malster’s Arms, Key Street, for which he was fined 5s. Frederick Osborne, the licensee, was charged with allowing drunkenness on his premises. He stated that he was away from home on the day in question and knew nothing of the occurrence. He was fined £5, with 16s costs, but under the circumstance the Magistrates would not endorse his license. Ipswich Journal, July 1895**
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)
(census information from Dudley Diaper)
(detailed information from Old inns of Suffolk by Leonard P Thompson)