
Stowmarket Hop Pole

Stowmarket Hop Pole


closed 1925

opened about 1861

Stowupland St

grid reference TM 050 589

It can be seen on this old OS map from about 1904 (interactive map").

old OS map

This pub was located in Timber Green (to the left of the Station) and originally listed in Stowupland parish.

The Hop Pole was locally known as the Poor Man's Hotel - workmen from outside Stow would stay there during the week. It was in the same building as Lankester and Webb's bonded warehouse (located to the far right of the building).

In 1874 carrier services to Drinkstone on Thursday were provided by Roe and to Rattlesden on Thursday were provided by Crick.

The pub was used as residential housing after closure until its demolition in April 1972. Its location has been ascertained by Chris Kenworthy, who found it on an old aerial photo of the town; interestingly, the building was bisected by a railway siding!

The pub was originally owned by Stewart & Patterson. Later it was owned by William Downs (1858), Lankaster & Wells (about 1875), Robert Wells (1897), Lancaster, Wells & Bartlett Ltd (about 1904) and lastly Greene King (1919).





Historical interest

Historical interest




(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)

(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)

Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.