
Burstall Grange Hotel (Burstall Hotel)

Burstall Grange Hotel (Burstall Hotel)


Closed: approx 1975

off Church Hill

grid reference TM 095 444

Burstall Cottage (shown in the 1882 OS map below) is roughly where the most southerly part of the Grange stood. The picture in our gallery was taken from south-east of the building, whose long axis ran north-south.

on old OS map

Originally only licensed to serve alcohol to residents and diners, the Grange only got a full publican's license on February 12th 1973.

The Gramge was burned down and rebuilt several times. It was used at one time (possibly in the 1960s) as a hotel for USAF personnel from Bentwaters. It was demolished some time after 1969 and replaced by a small estate of "luxury" houses.

It appeared on the 1969 OS map as the Burstall Hotel.





Historical interest

Historical interest

(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)