Lowestoft Theatre Stores

Lowestoft Theatre Stores


Closed: unknown era

69 London Rd North

grid reference TM 548 930 (approximate location)

The pub's address comes from the 1910 Lowestoft Rate book, when the pub was owned by Bullard's. The street number is uncertain due to poor handwriting in the book, but is probably correct based on census and directory listings.

This was probably the Bee Hive; 70 London Road. 69 & 70 London Road were listed as separate properties until the 1881 census, with the pub at 70. From the 1891 census only 69 is listed and followed immediately by 71. The two buildings may have been joined or rebuilt to make a larger pub.

Entries before 1891 at 70 London Road are listed in the Bee Hive's entry.





(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)