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Lowestoft Dock Stores
Lowestoft Dock Stores
also traded as Dock Tavern Inn
South, 52.47399,1.74465
Closed: unknown era
27 Commercial Rd
grid reference TM 544 928
This is listed as the Dock Stores in the 1910 Lowestoft Rate book, when the pub was owned by Lacon's.
Historical interest
May have been reported at 11, but see Bar FM.
In 1937 the pub was listed in Kelly's Directory as one of 220 pubs that were retailing beer that they were brewing.
1865: Samuel Collis
1869: James Edwards ((Beer retailer, pub not named) (Commercial rd))
1871: James Edwards ((Beerhouse Keeper, [after 26] Commercial Rd., pub not named, Head/Widower/48y/born Worlwell?, Norfolk))
1871: + Mary Davis ((Housekeeper, [after 26] Commercial Rd., pub not named, Sister/Widow/40y/born Worlwell?, Norfolk))
1881: Elijah Edwards ((Licensed Victualler, 27 Commercial Rd., pub not named, Head/Married/37y/born Redenhall, Norfolk))
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)