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Saxtead Marlborough Head
Saxtead Marlborough Head
also traded as Pig & Whistle
North, 52.24316,1.29616
Closed: between 1957 and 1980?
Marlborough Rd
grid reference TM 251 656
It can be seen on this old OS map from about the end of the 19th century. interactive map
The Marlborough Head is shown as a beerhouse on OS maps at least as late as 1957, it seems just to be a private house by the 1980 sheet, so presumably closed between those dates.
1865: John Davey ((Beer retailer & wheelwright & blacksmith, pub not named))
1871: John Davy ((Wheelwright & Smith, Marlbro's Head, Head/Married/56y/born Dennington))
1874: John Davy ((Beerhouse keeper & wheelwright & blacksmith, pub not named))
1881: Alfred Wells ((Beerhouse Keeper, Tannington Rd., pub not named, Heads/Married/33y/born Strumptshaw, Norfolk))
1888: Alfred Wells ((Beer retailer, pub not named))
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.