Ipswich Chaise & Pair

Ipswich Chaise & Pair


Closed: between 1840 and 1920

Woodbridge Rd

grid reference TM 166 447 (approximate location)

Samuel Wilson of the Chaise and Pair Inn, Ipswich, wishes to inform all dealers in cattle, butchers, and jobbers, that he intends to give up , free of expense, the meadow adjoining his house, for the exhibition of stock of all description, on the 4th and 5th days of May: and he will continue to do so every Saturday, with view of giving opportunities for a larger and better cattle market than now exists.Ipswich Journal, May 1835**

The 1841 census entry is based on the surname of landlady and location in the St Margaret's parish part of Woodbridge Road…





(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)

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