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Ipswich St Nicholas Tavern
Ipswich St Nicholas Tavern
also traded as St Nicholas Ale Stores
closed 22nd January 1922
49 & 51 Curriers Ln
grid reference TM 160 443 (approximate location)
It was listed as a Colchester Brewing Co Ltd pub.
The map location must be pretty close as beat bobby number 12 would have walked past it between the British Lion and the Curriers Arms.
For many years the pub was run by a family who also ran an adjacent bakery. Exactly when the pub was trading or not trading is not always clear from the records we have seen.
The St Nicholas Tavern was closed down by the Justices in 1911.
The final closure date is recorded in the Borough Police licensed premises register 1903-1923.
Historical interest
William Wright, keeper of the beer-house St. Nicholas Tavern, Curriers Lane, was charged with keeping his house open during prohibited hours on a Sunday night. The police had found men drinking in the bar at 11 20pm, the shutters were closed and the gas had been turned down. Wright stated that he had not sold any beer after 11pm the men were just slow in drinking up. He was found guilty and fined 10s 6d and costs of 14s. Ipswich Journal, March 1870**
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)