Ipswich Bath Tavern

Ipswich Bath Tavern


Closed: between 1920 and 1970

Greyfriars Rd

grid reference TM 161 441 (approximate location)

A pub is shown on the 1892-1905 OS map in roughly the right place, though it isn't clear if this is the Bath Tavern or the Lord Chancellor:

possibly this pub on an old OS map

This is only known because it's listed on the 1903 Borough Police beat book. Apparently the bobby on beat number 11 would have walked past it between the Cardinal's Hat and the Lord Chancellor.

It must have closed after 1923, as no closure date is mentioned in the beat book, which was in use at least until that year.



(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)