
Ipswich Sunk Light Tavern

Ipswich Sunk Light Tavern


Closed: between 1840 and 1920

Cliff Quay

grid reference TM 169 430 (approximate location)

This is listed in the census immediately after Cliff House and Cliff Brewery House, the Ship Launch is the last entry.

The only concrete reference so far apart from the census is on 1839/40 drawn sections along the River Orwell, produced during the planning of the Wet Dock (held in Suffolk Record Office). Although not locating the pub precisely, these drawing seem to locate it approximately 3000 feet south of the Wherry Inn, so roughly in the area where it's marked on our map.

There are rumours of a pub in this area which was situated on an old light vessel. It may be that this was it. There may be some connection with the Sunk Centre Lightvessel (often referred to as the Sunk Light). Perhaps this was a re-use of an earlier vessel on this station?



Historical interest

Historical interest




(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)