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Lowestoft Fisherman's House
Lowestoft Fisherman's House
also traded as Fisherman's Home?
Closed: between 1840 and 1920
This may have been called the Fisherman's Home in 1871.
Historical interest
The 1861 census lists pub at schedule 91, with the Flowing Bowl at 97 and Dutch Hoy at 29.
The 1871 census shows the Fisherman's Home, although not as a pub, at the same approximate location and it may be this pub.
1851: Robert Slater ((Labr Beer Seller, Fisherman's House, Beach, Head/Married/46y/born Blundeston))
1851: + Elizabeth Slater ((Fisherman's House, Beach, Wife/Married/48y/born Burgh St Peter, Norfolk))
1861: Henry Hall ((Fisherman & Beerhouse Keeper, Fisherman's House, Beach, Head/Married/46y/born Lowestoft))
1861: + Sarah Hall ((Beetsler, Fisherman's House, Beach, Wife/Married/43y/born Lowestoft))
1871: James Leggett ((Carter, not shown as publican, Fisherman's Home, near Gas Works, Beach, Head/Unmarried/37y/born Lowestoft))
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)