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Ipswich Coopers Arms
Ipswich Coopers Arms
Closed: before 1840
Lower Wash, Key parish
Stolen or strayed out of the George Stable at Hadley, on Monday 29th May a dapple grey mare. Whoever gives notice of her to Mr Newman at the above said place or to Mr Job Grimwade at the Coopers Arms in Ipswich - shall have a reasonable reward.Ipswich Journal, June 3rd 1721***
A reference appears in the Ipswich Journal, April 26th 1729***, to the Coopers Arms, Ipswich (probably near St Mary Key Parish?)
To be lett and enter'd upon now or at Midsummer, a very good Inn in the Key Parish in Ipswich, commonly call'd the Cooper's Arms with Brewing Utensils, and all the Furniture of the House…
1721: Mr Job Grimwade ((at the Cooper's Arms, - 03 Jun***))
1744: Mr Thomas Willis ((Cooper's Arms, in the Parish of St Mary Key - 10 Mar***))
1747: John Sherman ((at the Cooper's Arms, in St Mary Key Parish - 30 May***))
1749: Thomas Wythe ((from the Ram : has taken the Cooper's Arms - 20 May***))
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)