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Newmarket Corydon
Newmarket Corydon
Closed: before 1840
To be sold by auction by Thomas Foreman on Thu 15 Jan at 2 o' clock in the afternoon at the White Horse inn in Newmarket the following:LOT V: A copyhold PH in Newmarket called the Corydon consisting of a kitchen, 2 parlours, 3 chambers, stabling for 12 horses, a good garden to the front and a small cottage adjoining.Ipswich Journal, Saturday January 3rd 1789
NOTE: the same sale also included several other pubs including the Newmarket White Horse, Waggon & Horses, Wheatsheaf, the Burwell Anchor, the Exning White Horse & the Ashley Plough, plus a Brewery (owned by Robert Bones).
The Newmarket Pubs website also has a listing from the Bury Free Press with the same advertisement.
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)