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Hoxne Highlander Inn
Hoxne Highlander Inn
Closed: before 1840
The Highlander Inn at Hoxne, being a commodious House, is now enter'd upon by Robert Snell, for the Reception of Gentlemen.Ipswich Journal, April 23rd 1743***
To be sold, the Highlander at Hoxne, an ancient and good accustom'd Inn there, in good Repair of the Yearly Rent of £10 10s. Part Freehold and Part Copyhold.Ipswich Journal, September 26th 1747***
1743: Robert Snell ((Highlander Inn at Hoxne - 23 Apr***))
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)