
Ipswich Buoy

Ipswich Buoy


Closed: before 1840

St Clement's Parish

To be lett or sold, a Messuage or Tenement, lately known by the Sign of the Buoy, situate in the Hamlet of Wix Bishop, in St Clement's Parish, Ipswich, with a small Piece of Pasture Ground adjoining thereto. Enquire of Mr John Lewis of East Bergholt or of Mr Lott Knight of Ipswich aforesaid.Ipswich Journal, June 23rd 1759***


NOTE: A messuage equates to a dwelling-house and may include outbuildings, orchard, curtilage or court-yard and garden - this may have been an earlier structure to the current property.

(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)