Aldringham Case is Altered

Aldringham Case is Altered


Closed: before 1840

All we know about this pub is a couple of references in the Ipswich Journal in 1783. If you know more please let us know.

Whereas Samuel Crane of Aldringham, sometime left at the sign of the Case is Altered, in the same parish, a horse and cart towards payment of a reckoning ran up at different times by same Samuel Crane, at the said house; this shall inform him that unless the same together with the expenses of this advertisement, be paid within ten days from the date hereof, the said horse and cart will be sold towards satisfaction thereof, Nicholas HumphressIpswich Journal, 12 July 1783
Notice is hereby given to all licensed pedlars and hawkers that on Sat 11 Oct a shew in Aldringham of all sorts of goods... likewise sheep and hogs… humble servant Nich. HumfressIpswich Journal, 4 Oct 1783



(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)