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Hadleigh Cobblers
Hadleigh Cobblers
South West, 52.04447,0.95345
Premises are licensed, but not classed as a pub.
This category includes restaurants, hotels, etc where it's possible that drinks can only be had with a meal, for example. It also includes places like wine bars, that serve no beer of any kind on tap.
Note: winebar
76 High St, IP7 5EF
grid reference TM 026 425
wine bar, opened February 5th 2020
This former estate agent office has been transformed into a two storey food and drink destination. Wine, spirits, non-alcoholic drinks plus a range of breakfast and lunchtime food options including omelettes, light snacks and cakes.
It opened in February 2020. So-named because many years ago the building housed a cobblers' shop.
Live music
Lunchtime meals (not just snacks)
Quiet pub - no electronic games, piped music or jukebox
WiFi available
Nearest railway station
Other nearby Suffolk pubs
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)