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Little Bealings Admiral's Head
Little Bealings Admiral's Head
also traded as Admiral Vernon's Head
South East, 52.0845,1.25271
closed 20th July 2012
opened about 1748
Sandy Road (The Street), IP13 6LW
grid reference TM 229 478
The pub is shown on this old OS map from about the end of the 19th century. interactive map
This split level pub was popular with diners and was located on the Fynn Valley walk, with two historic wells.
There's been a pub on this site since 1748, although the present building is much more recent.
It closed due to problem with the pub's drainage system in July 2012, following a nearby new building development. The current owners and last landlords (for 8½ years) have converted the pub to their own residential usage.
A campaign group has been set up in the village to try to get the pub reopened, possibly by purchasing it if it comes on the market. See
Update: we noticed in June 2019 that the building is now up for sale. As the sale is being handled by Fleurets, this suggests it may be being marketed as a pub, so perhaps the villagers may get a chance to reopen it?
Historical interest
Owner/operator: Character Inns
Popular split level pub, increasingly offering a good range of ale and an ever changing menu; try the excellent value curries on Fri.
Beers: Adnams Bitter; Fuller's London Pride; Scott's Blues & Bloater; Whitbread Boddington's Bitter; Whitbread Flowers IPA; guest beer.CAMRA's 1997 Suffolk Real Ale Guide
To be sold or lett, the Admiral Vernon's Head, a very good new built House, pleasantly situated, in Little Bealings - with a good Brewhouse, Stabling for about nine Horses, a Garden well planted with Fruit-Trees, and a Malting-Office twenty combs steep, with a Floor and Kiln answerable. Enquire of Mr Abraham Gooding at the House aforesaid or (amongst others) Mr Nathaniel Alderson, at the Angel on the Common Key, Ipswich.Ipswich Journal, July 30th 1748***…
This pub was originally named after Admiral Vernon an 18th cent. hero who captured Porto Bello in Panama in 1739 (from the Spaniards) with just 6 ships. Later he was MP for Ipswich and lived in Nacton. Later it was attributed to Admiral Lord Nelson, the early 19th cent national hero, who once bought a property in Ipswich - called Roundwood House - although he never lived there. Nelson is also commemorated in the most recent pub signage.
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)
(** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)
(*** Last Orders is a free local newsletter - published by Suffolk CAMRA memers since 1978)
(some old PO directory information courtesy of
Old OS map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.