Long Melford Crown Inn

Long Melford Crown Inn

South East, 52.07867,0.71814

Cask Ale is sold here.

Hall Street, CO10 9JL

grid reference TL 863 457

hotel, opened 17th century

Contact:telephone(01787) 377666telephonewebsiteWebsiteFacebookFacebookTwitterTwitter

The Crown is a busy family-run free house and cosy hotel set in the popular antiques centre of Long Melford. Two regular ales and two changing guests together with real cider are served on hand pumps. A high-quality home cooked menu is served in the large bar and separate restaurant. There is a large attractive patio garden for summer dining and drinking. Eleven comfortable bedrooms are available for those wishing to stay and explore this picturesque area.

The riot act was last read in England from the steps of the pub in 1885. Rioters set fire to the building but the occupants were unhurt.

A Victorian brewery was located on the site.






Historical interest

Historical interest





The crown is a simple sign to show loyalty to the reigning monarch and apart from the commonwealth era (1648-60) has been a pub sign for over 600 years.

(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)

(some old PO directory information courtesy of londonpublichouse.com)

(** historic newspaper information from Stuart Ansell)

(*** historic newspaper information from Bob Mitchell)

(**** Last Orders is a free local newsletter - published by Suffolk CAMRA memers since 1978)