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Newmarket Unique
Newmarket Unique
formerly Temple Bar, LTs, Lime Tree, Sweaty Saddle, Connemara, Rising Sun, Sun
North East, 52.24358,0.40603
Premises are licensed, but not classed as a pub.
This category includes restaurants, hotels, etc where it's possible that drinks can only be had with a meal, for example. It also includes places like wine bars, that serve no beer of any kind on tap.
2 Sun Ln, CB8 8EW
grid reference TL 643 633
owner/operator: Heineken UK
These days, this former pub is a nightclub. It has has gone through several incarnations in the few years this site has been online.
There has been a pub on this site for many years; see the history section for more information.
Railway station about 0.5 miles away (see transport links for details)
Nearest railway station
Other nearby Suffolk pubs
Historical interest
It can be seen on this old OS map from about the end of the 19th century. interactive map
Owner/operator: free
no real ale.CAMRA's 1997 Suffolk Real Ale Guide
The Rising Sun is also listed at Lower Station Road, and at Sandpit Lane in 1855. It was listed as the Sun in the 1871 census.
The Newmarket Pubs website has the following order for name changes:
- Rising Sun
- Connemara (late 1980s)
- Sweaty Saddle (1993)
- Lime Tree (1995?)
- LT's (2001)
- Temple Bar (2003)
- Unique (2010s)
(Most pub, location & historic details collated by Nigel, Tony or Keith - original sources are credited)