
Strathern, FB

Bridge St, Halesworth

Listed in the 1874 edition of White's Directory.

A report in the Ipswich Journal** in Dec 1875 states :

A notice in the Ipswich Journal in December 1875 was placed by F B Strathern, brewer, malster, wine, spirit, and Porter merchant of Halesworth, wine vaults and stores; Bungay Road and New Cut, near the railway station. It reads: F B Strathern desires to call to the attention of friends and the public his seasons brewing of family ales and especially his celebrated Guy Fawkes Ale, allowed to be the finest of all productions. All descriptions of ales supplied in Pins, Firkins, Kils., and Barrels, as may suit family requirements.
Spirits, all sorts, of the best quality and strength, wines of every variety, all of which will be found, for quality and cheapness, to compare favourably with any house in the trade. London Stout can be had in Firkins and Kils., for family use. A liberal reduction to Innkeepers.
Note! F B Strathern thinks it advisable to add that the firm of F B Strathern and Co., has not recently occupied the Stores advertised by Mr Haward, as the firm ceased to exist by mutual consent in 1859, nearly 17 years ago, from which time F B S has carried on the business of wine and spirit merchant etc., by himself, and for some years past in his own more suitable premises.